Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Perfect Rwandan Birthday!

Yesterday, I turned 23 years old! I can't believe I am nearing my mid-twenties...I don't know if I like this. However, I could not have asked for a better birthday. I woke up early and took my time to head downtown to meet my friend (Becky) for pizza and a cinnamon roll at one of my favorite restaurants. Even though I had promised myself that I would not buy anymore souvenirs until the last day, we ended up shopping afterward. I figured it was okay to buy myself a small birthday gift...or two. I bought myself some earrings and a necklace, and Becky also bought me a pair of beautiful silver leaf earrings.

We actually ended up shopping and milling around Kigali for a while. Later that night, we headed back to the house where the family was including Patrick and Alex. After Alex gave me my birthday gift, Patrick told me I must come out into the living room. I came out and there on the table was a beautiful display of cookies, peanuts, crackers, cheese, and a big birthday cake with a large flame shooting out of it! Everyone began singing and clapping, "Happy birthday to you!" I literally teared up and was completely surprised. The whole family was there including some close friends. We all sat around eating, drinking (lots of booze!), and celebrating my birthday!

After a while, Patrick gave me the best gift--a Rwandan name! My name is now Rebecca Holly Munezero Macintire. Munezero means happiness--I definitely think it suits me. They also gave me a gigantic heart shaped box full of delicious chocolates. Needless to say, at this point I was on a huge sugar rush! I also have a card from them signed by the whole family.

It was truly the most wonderful birthday I could ask for. I am so happy that I was here in Rwanda to celebrate my 23 years on this earth. And now I get to look forward to celebrating with my family at home in just about a week.

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